River Yealm Water Quality Group
Useful links
1. Live water quality data from the lower reaches of River Yealm
View water quality data as are being recorded by the "Yealm Sonde" every 15 minutes here, updated every 4 hours.

The "Yealm Sonde"
2. Report an environmental incident to the Environment Agency incident hotline
Report an environmental incident either over the EA 24-hour service helpline 0800 80 70 60 or online here.
You can report:
collapsed or badly damaged river banks;
damage or danger to the natural environment;
dead fish or fish gasping for air;
flooding from main rivers or the sea;
illegal removals from watercourses;
incidents at Environment Agency-regulated waste sites;
main rivers blocked by a vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding;
poaching or illegal fishing;
pollution to water or land; and/or
unusual changes in river flow.
Please send related information together with the EA Report number and (especially) any photographs to both the River Yealm Water Quality Group (rywqg@gmail.com) and Yealm Estuary to Moor Project (yemriver@gmail.com).
3. Report a problem to South West Water
Report smell or other indicators of pollution either over the SWW Operational helpline 0344 346 2020* (24 hours) or online here.
4. How sewage pollution can cause a whole range of illnesses
View information provided by Surfers Against Sewage on how sewage pollution can cause illnesses here.
5. If you think illness is related to river water quality, submit a sickness report
Submit a sickness report to Surfers Against Sewage here.